Custom Transformers From Cybertron

Fan made custom transformers, in the effort to make our favourite characters in Transformers animation comes alive, Aim to achieve anime accurate custom transformers. Everyone is welcome to comments and showcase your work to promote the community Custom Fandom

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Masterforce: Metal Hawk!!!

I found this while surfing at a Japan Auction !! Totally blew me away.
Custom Model Kit Metal Hawk.. I am so tempted to buy it but the asking price was a Whopping 300 SGD. Now it fantastic looking but I dont really like the face scupt a bit too tiny.. and his Jet mode has too long a cockpit.

But this is one hell of a custom.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Custom Movie Arcee updates

Painted my Custom Arcee. Tried to explore on a different colour scheme.
Still pink and white in general but I decided to use Pearl White with Pink instead of Pure white.

I am not quite sure I like the outcome.. Might repaint in the future when I get more time. Yes it can still transform even with the rescuplt of the head.

Pink Lady

Close up on the face.
Fly .....
Up up and away....

Thanks for looking.....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Transformers Movie Arcee Face resculpt

I have always felt that the Movie Arcee was a awesome figure, sleek alternate mode, fantastic robot mode and can be really sexy but her face was a tad too ugly.
just like the rest of the movie figures. I have to give her a face lift.

I can't help it but break a 6month long hiatus to find sometime do retool her face.
I must admit that I've been procrastinating..but yeah.. she is simply too ugly.. hahaha
I really didn't know where to start, but I do know i really need to get rid of her mechanical fringe. That was really uncalled for.

Next I have to smoothen the lines on her face.. Zap all those ugly "Wrinkles" away.

Sculpting the lips is one of greatest challenges in my opinion
Next is to sculpt the "Helmet" for some reason it doesn't look as good as I envision.
Perhaps I lost the touch. Havent sculpt for too long.
As you can tell, at magnification, lots of flaws was reveal. It was not something I could see before taking this picture. Guess I need to smooth it a little more.

Just some pre-refine pictures. Will need to retool it a little more.

Hope I will get more time to rework on the head and even paint it..
Until then, thanks for tuning in.